30 September, 2011


So, out of ALL people, Craig convinced me to start blogging again?!? Really, yes Really!

I have not blogged for almost a full year and I may add that I don't miss it...I am not a blogger BUT I do like to read them. Craig used to make fun of blogging but I think he realizes now that this may be a good way to keep a journal/scrapbook of our life, right? I will give it my best and this blog will serve as a journal to keep memories that we never want to forget and look back on. I have never been a person that embraced scrap-booking and I am always in awe when people show me their little treasures. So to compensate for this lack of scrapbook interest, the blog has to do for now until I find the willingness to sit down and create photo books (the closest I will ever get to scrap-booking).

Lot's of catching up to do...I may get ambitious and catch up on all the events I have missed to keep track of throughout the past year? ...and maybe I get Craig to blog sometime too? 

12 Months Recap & Blogs to Come:

- Craig's 1st Christmas in Germany (Europe Trip 2010/11)
- Craig's Grandpa (Papa) Dies sad :(
- 1st Japan Work Trip
- 1st Denmark Work Trip
- California - Expo West
- 30th Birthday - EEEK (don't feel like 30)
- RAGNAR Relay
- Summer Adventures (Lake, Camping, Hikes)
- Las Cruces August 2011
- Craig's FINAL Semester (...so excited!!!)
- Maui September 2011
- 2nd Japan Work Trip


Anonymous said...

YAY! You blogged. Good job Craig for her getting to do it again! You are good at it, so keep doing it!

Jennie said...

So glad you're back! Keep blogging!